Music from the Heart
Welcome to the musical universe of Sunra Project. All sounds are created in deep connection with Mother Earth and the elements of Nature. Check out my recent releases and let it touch your heart and soul.

Sunra Project - Sahara Sundance
This album is inspired by the mystical poems of Rumi and Kahlil Gibran. Imagine a beautiful sunset in the desert and a magical night full of starlight. From the sacred temples in Egypt to the cameldrivers in the Sahara. This music let's you travel deep within and is here to open your heart. Devoted to the Sacredness in all of life.

Sunra Project - Ethnic Tribal Dancer
Ethnic Tribal Dance was my first album created to honor Mother Earth and all his Indigenous peoples alive today. Imagine yourself being part of a sacred dance ceremony where we gather our prayers for Pachamama. Plant your feet on Mother Earth and dance on the rhythms of tribal percussion, didgeridoo, handpan and Native American flute.

Ishtatara - Awakening Feminine Spirit
This album is my latest creation in collaboration with Soundhealing Vocalist Iris Pattyn.
"Awakening Feminine Spirit" takes the listener on a musical journey through different cultures and sound dimensions.
This album is inspired by the Mystery Schools of our own Celtic traditions, Egypt, Sufi and many more practices. Ancient cultures understood that vibration is the fundamental active force in the universe and developed specific chants and tones for healing the mind, body and spirit and achieving altered states of consciousness.
Overtone singing, sacred prayers, chants, mantras, vocal medicine inspired by a direct experience of mystical and wisdom lineages worldwide and other old techniques mixed with ancient instruments like Taglharpa, Duduk, Ethnic Drums, Nickelharpa, Native American Flute, Saz and mouth harp are used to create the soundscapes on this album.
We hope you enjoy our music as a transformative experience that awakens the feminine spirit in you.
Sunra is the project of Dimitri De Veerman. He loves to share his passion for music, conscious dance and sacred ceremonies. He is also co-founder of Ecstatic Dance Belgium started in 2014. After a decade he still playes almost weekly at Ecstatic Dance Gent on Friday evening in Belgium.
May this music touch many hearts and ignites the flame to share your gifts with the world too.